If you have extra absences (more than those the professors are allowing us to do), you have to pay and do a few of them again in order to be able to obtain a class mark (10%) (in case you were not sick).
How to do that?
1) Ask the teachers from the laboratory how many absences you have and how many you have to recover, according to the maximum number you are allowed for that subject.
2) Complete the application and ask the assistant to sign it. (Go to the “Applications” link)
3) Go at the Pharmacy department at the “Casier” and pay for the absences, it is 20 lei per hour.
4) Give the receipt and the application to the secretary, she will give you a small paper ´´Adeverinta´´ that you have to give to the professors.
Don’t over do it with the abcences!
The presence is not mandatory at the lectures.
In case you were sick, you have to go to the doctor of the university for the checkup.
Also you have to fill in an application and give it to the secretary will the small paper that the doctor will give you. You have to give those within 2 weeks from the date you skipped the classes for health problems.
(for more info about the university’s doctor, follow the link “University’s health care”)